Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bianca T. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Karen Cushman
Matilda Bone
167 pages

Matilda Bone is a little girl thats grows up in a manor. When she becomes old enough and her father(not her real father)is needed to go to serve the prince. She has to become an assistant to Red Peg the Bonesetter. Peg assigns her to do many things; includin making a dinner, going to the market,tending to the fire, and mixing potions. The first time she has to go to the market she does not know what to do.

I predict that Matilda will get in big trouble, because Peg said to buy fish heads, bread, and ginger cake. Instead Matilda bought a eel for three pennies. All Peg gave her was three pennies. Also, Peg might starve her because I think that Matilda got ripped off on the fish and it might be rotten.

Anonymous said...

Karen Cushman
Matilda Bone
167 pages

When Matilda gets back from the market, it turns out that the eel was rotten, and Matilda did get ripped off. A lady by the name of Margery it a physician, that was begging a physician higher than her to teach her but he would not.
Peg is angery at her for just sitting around not really knowing what do. Peg forces Matilda to help mend a cat, one of the various devel pets. Peg sends Matilda to the bleeder that she does not know.

I think that Matilda will be frightened because of how the bleeder acts and looks. The bleeder might scare her off and try to hurt her. The bleeder is more than likely and evil person looking to hurt or kill someone. I think Peg will get angry at Matilda and toss her out in the street. Or Matilda will get fed up with Peg and her ways and leave to find Father Leufredus in the church of London.

Anonymous said...

Karen Cushman
Matilda Bone
167 pages

Horanswith Leech is a bloodletter. Matilda and

Anonymous said...

Karen Cushman
Matilda Bone
167 pages

Horanswith Leech is a bloodletter. Matilda and Leech both went to a patient named Grizzl. Matilda felt alone, and Peg offered companionship to Matilda. One day, Matilda ran into another girl by the name of Matild, because whe decided to take a different way to the market. Matilda(the servent) told Matilda(the assistant) all about the market and its people. Matilda mourned to be with Father Leufredus again, she was worried for he had not come back for yet.

I think that Matilda and Matilda will become good friend. I don't think that Father Leufredus will come back. Matilda will start foretting all she has been taught not to do, and laugh and play with the other Matilda. Matilda will more than likely begin to do better at a boesetter's assistant. Also, I think Matilda will end up beinf more sufficient in life.

Anonymous said...

Karen Cushman
Matilda Bone
167 pages

One day when Matilda came back from the market, Peg had a few guests over that was mocking Matilda. Matilda went outside and saw a man cursing in Latin, it turned out to be Peg's husband. Matilda believed him to be a fraed.After Tom left, Matilda was sent to go to thr tanner, while on her way she tripped over a boy named Walter. She soon met his master Nathanial while he was invited to dine with her and Peg. Nathanial was going blind and Matilda offended him, Matilda was moved by his words and felt pity.

I think Matilda will change her ways and her thoughts. She will soon learn the right ways from what Father Leufredus taught her. She will do her best to please her mistress and the people around her. She does not want to be lonely so she might try to make the best out of everyones errors. Also, she might becomes very good friends with Walter and even marry him.

Anonymous said...

Karen Cushaman
Matilda Bone
167 pages

Matilda was doing her best. While Peg was out tending to the dying Grizzl a man came in need of a salve. Matilda did not know what to do. Nathanial's wife, Sarah, Walter the apprentice, and Nathanial moved in to a shop neighboring themselves with Peg and Matilda. Sarah's legs burned with pain so Matilda rubed a salve on them. Walter Mudd began calling Matilda, Matilda Bone.

I think that Nathanial will not lose his eyesight all the way, but Sarah will never be able to walk again. Also, as soon as Matilda changes her ways the saints will slowly start helping her instead of saddening her even more.

Anonymous said...

Karen Cushman
Matilda Bone
167 pages

Nathanial was not getting any better. Matilda went to Master Theobald. She talked to Tildy, Tildy is the other Matilda. Master Theobald was cheated by Matilda with her reading and Latin. The salve was nasty, stinky tasting stuff and Nathaniel didn't take any more of it. A giants wife, Effie was badly hurt,Master Theobald didn't want to deal with it so Peg and Matilda had to. Margery helped too. Matilda told way more than she should have to Effie, Matilda knew she could tell Effie a lot of things. For once, Matilda was not alone.

I think Tildy, Walter, and Matilda will become closer friends. Peg will see a big improvement with Matilda. Also, I think Effie will get better and her and her husband will come back and visit often to see Matilda.

Anonymous said...

Karen Cushman
Matilda Bone
167 pages

Once Effie and her husband left, Matilda realized how much she neglected her chores. She went over to Nathanial's shop and said sorry. Matilda wrote a letter to the physicians in Oxford to see who knew how to help Nathanial's eyesight. Grizzl died and no one could help her. Matilda went to the tanner's yard for hides, Walter came with her to help her out. They stopped at the stream and waded in it to cool down. They laid down to rest, so they talked. Walter told Matilda about the birds' names. Matilda named them and was proud. She was learninf different ways that the Lord had done.

I think that Matilda and Walter get closer than ever since Matilda can open up and tell him everything. Matilda will learn more about the truth and come from the darkness within.

Anonymous said...

Karen Cushman
Matilda Bone
167 pages

When Tom came home again Peg didn't want Matilda in the way,so Matilda was aloud to leave and stay out as long as she wanted. Matilda went to hang out with Tildy. When they were sitting at the well Fat Annet pushed Tildy in the well. Matilda turned to the goose girl, Margery, for help because she didn't want Tildy to die. Matilda hung around, cared, and prayed for Tildy till she got better. Tildy got better and became an assistant to Margery.

I think that with the magic in care and love that God gave Matilda, Matilda will again try to use it on Nathanial and Sarah. She will no longer feel lonely being able to hang around Tildy more often. Tildy, Matilda, and Walter will become the bestest friends and be together forever.

Anonymous said...

Karen Cushman
Matilda Bone
167 pages

Matilda relized that Tom was not a bad person after all and that she admired him. Peg had cut and sown her brand new good cloak for Matilda cause she loved her. Matilda received a letter from a physician by the name of Master Louis. She had thought it was from Father Leufredus. Master Louis told Matilda that they were creating lenses that will help the blind to see better. Matilda was taking a walk enjoying the beauty of summer when the church bells rang for the hour of Tierce.

I think that Matilda pays back Peg for all her generosity and kindness. Matilda learns the way of Gods real world. She is at peace with her self. I think that they will be able to buy a pair of lenses for Nathanial's eyes. Matilda will grow to be a young sufficsticated women.

I recommend this book. It is very interesting a good. Even though I summed the whole story up, it is still very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Overall Summary
byKaren Cushman
167 pages total

"Matilda Bone", is a story about a young girl whose parents die and she is cared for by priests. She then becomes an assistant to a bonesetter, Red Peg. It was sometime during the midevil period. In the United Kingdom. This period was a time of many injuries and deaths. Also, when thousands of people were poorand hungry. This story has its boring moments and its good moments.

This is my opinion and facts about this story. If you do decide to check this book out. I'm sorry for telling you what it is about.

Anonymous said...

About Matilda

It was not until Matilda became an assistant to Peg the bonesetter, that she realized how lonely she was. Everyone around thought she was a very beautiful girl. Matilda did everything she could not to sin or upset God, therefore she was very religious and holy. She became friends almost instantly to the children she ran into. When she got better at bonesetting she helped a lot of people get better and heal. Matilda is about 12 years old. She used to think higher than everyone else until she saw Gods true world. She knew Latin, she could read and write. Matilda Bone was kind of lazy for she did not know what to do. Matilda had long, beautiful, golden hair. She had glamourus sky blue eyes. She was tall and skinny from fasting all the time.

I hope than Karen Cushman will write another story about Matilda, the bonesetters assistant.

In conclusion, I don't think that Matilda Bone will work for Peg for another year. She might get hooked up with Walter, and be best friend forever with Tildy.

Anonymous said...

Matilda Bone

Matilda Bone, by Karen Cushman is an extraordinary book. It takes place in medieval England, in Blood and Bone Alley. 14-year-old Matilda is an apprentice to a bonesetter and a practioneer of medicine. She reconciles the various aspects of her life both spiritual and practical.
The people in Blood and Bone Alley are poor and cold. It is dark and gloomy. The smell of death, the look of blood, the pain and agony of sprains, tears and breaks all over. The poor go to the rich and the rich turn them away.
The main character is Matilda. She would help the bonesetter, Peg by tending to the fire. Going to the market, and preparing everyday meals she helped with too. When Matilda had nothing to do Peg would have Matilda help her with the patients that came to them for help. Matilda thought herself higher than everyone. Some of her actions are believable, some are not. One time she didn’t do anything that she was supposed to, so all she did was think about the saints and the devils, Peg got really mad at her.
In my opinion, Matilda is a little girl that doesn’t know much about anything when she came to Red Peg. She did not really understand God in the right way. I liked this book a lot. It was describing a young girl trying to learn how to be an assistant.

By: Bianca T.