Thursday, February 15, 2007

Brittany S. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Title: the exucutionor's daghtor
pages: #1-15

summery:A girl nmed liley went out to the forest to find herbs for her fathor so that he can make medician.then she heard some boys from town so she dove into a thorn bush and scrtched up her face realy bad. The boys from town were looking for a rabbit that they thought they hit. Then the boys got tired of looking and gave up. So she got up and saw drops of blood.So she followed the blood and saw the rabbit and brought it home and saved its life.

stratigy: I predict that her father will get baddly hurt.

Anonymous said...

Title: The Executioner's Daughter
Author: Eaura E. Williams
pages: #15-20

Summery: Well,in my book Lilly's fahter has to execute sameone and Lilly wanted to go, but her mom said no. Then during dinner she helped her mom by trying to stay out of her fathers way because, he always drinks and sometimes he over reacts and gets really drunk and yells at her. But she said,"Sometimes when he is drunk and is yelling he makes himself cry morethen he dose anyoneelse."

Stratigy: I think she might sneek off to the execution because, she was out with the animals and she told them that she might sneek off again like she did last time

Anonymous said...

Title: The Executioner' Daughter
euthor:Eaura E Willimas

Summery: Lily found out that her father had two executions. the bad thing was that the second one was a woman being executed for steeling three candles from a church. When her mom came home she was crying and soaked. so lily took her mom to her bed and striped of her wet cloths. later hen she awoke she found out that her mom had a bad she tried to awake her dad but he would not wake so she tired to make the medicans by her self trying to save her life

stratigy: I predict that her mo;m might die because she said that her mom was really sick and her face was beat red with a high fever and that made it sound as if she was going to die.

Anonymous said...

Title: The Executioner' Daughter
euthor:Eaura E Willimas

Summery: Lily found out that her father had two executions. the bad thing was that the second one was a woman being executed for steeling three candles from a church. When her mom came home she was crying and soaked. so lily took her mom to her bed and striped of her wet cloths. later hen she awoke she found out that her mom had a bad she tried to awake her dad but he would not wake so she tired to make the medicans by her self trying to save her life

stratigy: I predict that her mo;m might die because she said that her mom was really sick and her face was beat red with a high fever and that made it sound as if she was going to die.

Anonymous said...

Title:the executonor daughter
Author:Eaura .E. Williams

smmary: today Ifound out that I wa right Lily's mo;m did die. Lily was devistated when she died.Now that hermom is gone she has to help him.

Anonymous said...

Author:Eaura E. Williams
Title:The Executioner's Daughter

Summary: I think that the last chapter was one of the best chapters because it was very well told and very descriptve.It was also a really sad chapter. When she ran from the execution she told her fathar that she might start her life over in a new city. So her dad got mad at her a told her to leav amidietly so her dad threw her out of the house noing that she had no where to go.

Stradigy:I don't no if any thing will happen next because I haven't read the second book.