Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jacob Z. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Author: Jon Scieszka
Pages: 1-30

Summary: Three kids have a book that takes them back and forward into time. They are at the Mayans 2,000 years ago Fred has showed them basketball. But now they might all get sacrificed because the priest saw there book and it made him angry.

Stradgey: I predict that the three kids will somehow get out of it.

Anonymous said...

tile:Me Oh MAYA

Author:Jon Scieszka

Pages 30-42

summary: The three kids get tied up to a tree in the jungle. This kid named Jun comes out and rescues them.Then Jun`s mom tells them stories about the town ball game and tells them how legends got killed.

Stradgey:I think that the kids will Play and win the ball game.

Anonymous said...

title:ME OH MAYA
Author:Jon Scieszka
Summary:The 3 kids get challenged to a ball game . They get rescued and now they are to reperform the legend of the twins.But now all they want to do is get the book and go home. But they are forced to play.
Stradgey:I thought it was one of the best books I have ever read. I would recomend reading Me Oh Maya.

Anonymous said...

title:ME OH MAYA
author:Jon Scieszka
summary:After the book there was a exclusive idea of the knew boook Jon Scieszka is writting.It told all about where the kids were going in this knew book I reall want to find it and read it to see if it comepares to this book.
stradgey:I think that the kids will find themselves a great knew journey.

Anonymous said...

Author:Jon Scieszka
Summary:The three kids are Joe Fred and Sam. they have a book that where ever you touch that is where you will go.
stradgy:I think that the kids wiil go to where the Mayans were in 1000 A.D.

Anonymous said...

Title:Sirens and Sea Monsters
Author:Mary Pope Osborne
Summary:Odysseus went to the Trojan war ten years agoand on his voyage home to Ithaca he is the only person to go and return from the land of the dead.He is the only one to survive Posiden cursing him from blinding his son.
But he is now trying to atempt to get past the six headed sea monster Scyila.Who will eat six people at once,and the whirlpool willtake the hole ship and his fifteen people on his large boat.
when he gets through the wich Scyila and the wirpool he will get to be home with his family for the first time in 10 years to be with his family .

Anonymous said...

Title:Sirens and Sea Monsters
Author:Mary Pope Osbornes
Summary:Now Oddussus knows everything about whats going to happen. But he dosn`t want to tell his crew yet.But when they try to travel through the cave wich has Scyila the monster who can devour six men at a time they get through but they loose six.
Prediction:I have been in a similar situation.

Anonymous said...

Title:Sirens and Sea Monsters
Author:Mary Pope Osbourne
Summary:As you know they got through Scyila the sea monster and now they are trying to get past the whirlpool.So when they are just about to get sucked in he say a wave that hit him and he got out of the whirlpool that was the small problem.Now they where stranded on the Sun gods island if anybody tryies to even touch one of his cattle or sheep they will all die.So while Oddussus was sleeping they had been on the island a monthand the crew slains a cow and they all die.
summary: I read the book and you should read it.

Anonymous said...

Jon Scieszka author of Me Oh Maya. the setting takes place in Chicke`n Itza` Mexcio. the time period is 1000 A.D and the main characters are Fred,Joe,and Sam. This is still the time period when it is okay to sacrafice,feed to Jaguars when alive, and chop heads off.
The authors discription of the historical civilation was very impressive.Acutallyit was better than I could do because I don`t know anything about them.The Social Studies book said some of the exact facts that the author did. All three of the kids are diffrent.But I`m going to talk about the main character fred. One of the two actions that he has are he is a good basketball player.The other one is he is from New York, he always has his New York Knicks cap on backwards.

Ithought that It was the best book of I`v ever read. I would recomend this book to because it`s not to easy or tThe author decriptionof the historical civilationwas very impressive.Acutally o hard.I wouldn`t mind writting a book like this because the author made me understand it better. It was a book just about anybody could understand,it was a book where I could remember just about in it. Rember next time you want to read a good book remember Me Oh Maya.