Thursday, February 15, 2007

Kattya P. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Title:Casting the Gods Adrift
Author:Geraldine McCaughrean

Harkhuf gets a message from the pharoah saying that he is to bring him many animals for his new capital city. Harkhuf is overjoyed and sets off to Nekheb,the city to be capitalized,with Tutmose and Ibrim. The animals onboard include baboons, some smaller monkeys, several cats, three dozen scarlet ibses, six baby crocodiles, and two hunting falcons.

While riding down the Nile, the Palm of Thoth hit a sand bar and started to sink.Harkhuf told tutmose to free all of the animals so they wouldn't drown. Then all of the sudden a boat came and all the crew and animals of the Palm of Thoth scrambled aboard except Harkhuf.He refused to be saved until all the animals were freed.When Harkhuf finally allowed himself to be saved,he realized that he was in the prescence of a pharoah, the prescence of a god.

Anonymous said...

Realizing that he is in the prescence of the very person that he is doing the job for, Harkhuf is scared. But suprisingly, the pharaoh is not mad.The pharaoh recognizes Ibrims singing talent and Tutmoses crafting talent. He lets Ibrim study with the royal musicians and Tutmose study pro crafts in his workshop. The family was escorted to the temple of the pharaoh and then to their new home. Ibrim and Tutmose were overjoyed at being able to study what they do in the pharaoh's own home, but Harkhuf was not as amused. The pharaoh, it seems, didn't beleive in Thoth but only Aten. This made harkhuf very angry and he yelled at his sons in anger for the pharaoh.

Anonymous said...

last entry pages 17-30

Anonymous said...

Last entry:pages 17-30

Anonymous said...

Historical Connection: Egypt

The story "Casting the Gods Adrift" is about a family fighting with a pharaoh about religion and gods. This takes place in the phharaoh's City of Aten in the 1300's b.c. About this time Thutmose 3rd became pharaoh. Egypt started in agressive wars and expanded the empire to the Euphrates River. Egypt now had a widespeard variety of slaves.

Anonymous said...

Title:Casting the Gods Adrift
Author:Geraldine McCaughrean

After coming back from an expedition for more animals, Harkhuf tells Tutmose that he is going to kill the pharaoh. Harkhuf puts poison asps in a cat figure that Tutmose made for the pharaoh. Tutmose tries to buy some time and tells him that it isn't finished yet. The next morning the cat was taken by the princess and given to the queen. Harkhuf was overjoyed but Tutmose was afraid. Tutmose didn't want anyone to die.