Thursday, February 15, 2007

Kiara Z. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Title: The Kite Rider
Pages: 269

Summary: Haoyou's father is a kite rider and he's trying to see what is above and on his way back down he dies. Haoyou's mother Qing'an has a funeral for his father and

Anonymous said...

Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Title: The Kite Rider
Summary: His mom doesn't want to marry Di Chou so she makes up that her husband talked to her and told her to not marry and let Haoyou make kites to sell to make money. He sells many but first he has to test them and he wants Mipeng to test them for him because he is afraid that his fathers spirit is still up in the sky.

Anonymous said...

Author:Geraldine McCaughrean
Title: The Kite Rider
Pages: 47-61
Summary: Haoyou's mother Quing'an has to get married to Di Chou because Haoyou's house burnt down with all of his kites ,and so now he has no money ,and can't sell any thing to make some. Now Haoyou is trying to find out if Di Chou can become the new kite rider so that he can die. Turns out that Di Chou is to fat and can't. So Haoyou thinks that the next best thing to do is to make himself the new kite rider.

Anonymous said...

Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Title: The Kite Rider
Pages: 61-71
Summary: Haoyou is on his way up into the air and on his way up he sees everybody looking at him in honor. Suddenly Haoyou feels his heart puonding and he feels like he's going to fall. Haoyou started screaming for his father saying catch me father. Then when he got down he got payed $200.00. On his way home everybody clapped nad through flower peddles in front of him. I predict that he will fly again.

Anonymous said...

Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Title: The Kite Rider
Pages: 71-84
Summary: After his kite adventure Haoyou, his uncle Bo, His aunt and his mother are waiting for Di Chou for their wedding. Turns out he does not come. Instead this man called the Great Miao comes and asks Haoyou if he would like to join his circus. He would be called the boy who flies. So Haoyou says yes with one request, which is that Mipeng comes with. When they both get there Mipeng didn't want to have to do anythin with the circus.

Anonymous said...

Author: Geraldine McCaugrean
Title: The Kite Rider
Pages: 84-95
Summary: Before Haoyou goes up into the air on his kite he has to put on a red silk costume, and get rid of his outfit that his mother sewed for him. He wouldn't so a women wrestled him out of it and put on the silk one. On his way up he notices he has a piece of material on his belt. It was the dog that his mother sewed onto his old outfit, that he named Wu. On his way back down The Graet Miao sees Wu and doesn't tell him to get rid of it but to sew it onto his new silk outfit. Then the Great Miao tells Haoyou that they're leaving his home and up river to Dadu. Haoyou was astonished because he has never in his life left his home.

Anonymous said...

For pages 1-34 I predicted that his mom would never marry again.
For pages 34-43 I predicted that Haoyou would make a lot of money off of his kites.
For pages 47-61 I predicted that
Haoyou would be to scared to go up there.
For pages 61-71 I already predicted.
For pages 71-84 I predict that Mipeng will stay with him.
For pages 84-95 I predict that Haoyou will have great adventures on his journey.

Anonymous said...

Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Title: The Kite Rider
Pages: 94-105
Summary: Haoyou's mother comes to visit him and Haoyou tells her that when he gets back home he'll be filthy rich and be able to build them another small house. She just ignores him in hatered and walks back home. Mipeng has to put on an outfit and talk to the spirits while Haoyou is in the air. Then when he goes up in the air he gets very scared because he thinks he hears the spirits and then he vomits all over everybody. When he gets back down everybody is asking him questions. Mipeng says ask me all questions and beware of floods.
I predict that Haoyou will fly into the air again but meet the spirits.

Anonymous said...

Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Title: The Kite Rider
Pages: 113-125

Summary: The Great Miao is now giveing orders for people to do for chores. He told Mipeng to go catch birds with the bird keeper. The nwhen they went off everybody noticed that his child Khutulun was missing. Her mother yelled and screamed for her as well as everybody else. Nobody could spot that little two yaer old anywhere. So Haoyou went up on his kite. The Mongol guy on his horse flew him. Not paying attention the Mongol rode into a swamp,and let the kite go with Haoyou on it. Haoyou tried his hardest to control the kite. All of a sudden he starts falling down head first and sees the baby fall into the water. So he made the kite fly into the water. When he hits the water he realizes that he's still strapped to the kite. Haoyou finally unstraps himself and gets the baby out of the water. The bird catcher herd about the news and was crying. Then when he saw his dauter he ran and cried in cheer.

Connect: One time at Silverwood we couldn't find my little brother and my mom started crying. Then we found him in the Chocolate place.

Anonymous said...

Author: Geraldine McCaughrean
Title: The Kite Rider
Pages: 128-137

Summary: Haoyou doesn't fly for a long time. Then when he goes into Dagu city, which is where he use to live, nothing looks the same. Everythimg is messed up. It looked like an ancient village of some sort. Then when they put on the circus everybody comes out of nowhere and says "where's Qiqi, wheres qiqi." Miao comes inside and doesn't know what to do if Haoyou doesn't want to fly. So Haoyou gets up and says I want to fly today and I'm going to. Miao gave him a look that said are you sure you want to do this. Haoyou says I'm positive.

Visualize: I can see Haoyou being really scared to fly again. Also I can see Miao giving Haoyou that look.