Thursday, February 15, 2007

Kylynn A. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Julius Lester
Pharaoh's Daughter
My book is about Pharaoh who sends soldiers to Pi-Ramesses to kill all baby boys. But when Alhma who has a baby brother in Pi-Ramesses becomes friends with the Pharaoh's daughter, the princess wants the killing to stop. So she takes Alhma's baby brother and makes him one of her own so that he won't be killed by the soldiers, and the princess names him Thutmosis.

I predict that the princess is going to stop the killing, and later the baby boy will turn into a king

Anonymous said...

Julius Lester
Pharoah's Daughter

I am on part two in the book where Thutmosis is now 12 years old, and instead of Alhmah being the narraator thutmosis is the narrator. Alhmah is 24 years old and she is a priestesses Pharaoh becomes Thutmosis's grandfather, the pharoah and Alhmah take Thutmosis to a secret room where there is a whole bunch of pictures of Alhmah.

I predict that he will keep going to that room every day.

Anonymous said...

Julius Lester
Pharao's Daughter

I just got finished with chapter two, part two where Abba is talking with Thutmosis and they are looking back on the past and Ima thinks that it is Abba's fault that Alhma believes in the Pharoah instead of their god Ya. Ima says that if Abba wouldn't have taught Alhma to speak Khemetian, then none of this would have ever happened. Ima thinks that Alhma forgot who she is.

I predict that Ima and Alhma are going to get into a big fight.

Anonymous said...

Julius Lester
Pharaoh's Daughter
Alhma thinks that the Pharaoh is hiding something from her because every time she walks into the same room as him he stops talking. Alhma wants Thutmosis to ask his mother what is going on, but when he does all his mother says is, "We have to find out why Ya wanted a Habiru baby to be Pharaoh's grandson."

I predict that they will send Thutmosis back to his real mother in Goshen.

Anonymous said...

Julius Lester
Pharaoh's Daughter
Thutmosis thinks that something is wrong with his grandfather because whenever someone comes to him for help he just interupts and sends them away. If this is true and his grandfather passes away then Thutmosis will be kicked out on the streets.

I predict that instead of him having something wrong with him, he is just mad about something.

Anonymous said...

Julius Lester
Pharaoh's Daughter
Now Pharaoh is going to make the Habiru slaves. He wants to make Asetnefret the great royal wife, and he wants to marry her in the temple, but if he wants to marry her in the temple then the temple has to be finished. So he is going to make the slaves finish the temple. Thutmosis remembers how much Asetnefret hates Habiru so he thinks that it is her idea to make the Habiru slaves. He wants to run away but at the same time he doesn't because Alhma won't go with him.

I predict that somehow Thutmosis will get Alhma to go with him.

Anonymous said...

Thutmosis asks Kakemore if he would have killed him when he was a baby, Kakemore bursts out in anger and starts yelling at Thutmosis. After that Kakemor hates Thutmosis and tests Thutmosis to see if he is on the Khemetian side or the Habiru side. So Kakemore brings Thutmosis's Habiru brother and wants to know if Thutmosis will whip his brother, if he does, then Thutmosis is on the Khemetian side, but if he doesn't then he is on the Habiru side. Instead Thutmosis takes the whip and whips Kakemore with it. Thutmosis's brother takes Kakemore to a physician so that Kakemore won't try to have them killed.

I predict that Kakemore won't try to have anybody killed except Thutmosis.

Anonymous said...

Julius Lester
Pharaoh's Daughter
I finished the book. After Thutmosis whips Kakemore in the face, he wants to go to Goshen to find Ima. on his way there he sees Kakemore again. Thutmosis follows Kakemore to see what he is doing, Thutmosis gets to close, Kakemore turns around to see who is following him and Thutmosis hits him with a rock. Kakemore is dead, now Thutmosis goes to Goshen with Batya and Alhma. Ima thinks it is good that he killed a Khemetian, Abba is ashamed of Thutmosis. Now Thutmosis finds out that Khemetian soldiers were sent out to find him.

Anonymous said...

Pharaoh’s Daughter

Pharaoh’s Daughter, by Julius Lester. The setting of this is in Pi Ramesses or Goshen of Egypt. I have three main characters because there is two parts in the book; they are Alhmah, Batya, and Thutmosis.
The author’s description of the civilization is in a town called Goshen where every soldier from Pi Ramesses is searching for baby boys to kill.
My character loves to go out and watch the sun rise every morning, sometimes she even sleeps on her roof because her and her mother get into fights a lot. This time the fight is about who Alhmah believes in, Alhmah thinks it is stupid to believe in a god that you can’t touch or see, so Alhmah goes to Pi Ramesses with Batya. Yes these actions are believable.
My opinion about this book is that it is half real but at the same time it is somewhat fake. I loved this book because it was very interesting, sad, and adventurous. If you like sad books that almost make you cry, then I would recommend this book for you.

By, Kylynn A.