Thursday, February 15, 2007

Samantha N. Reading Log


Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Cushman
Title:Catherine Called Birdy

Theres a girl named Cathrine who hates her family.Her family made her right a journal. In the journal it says she was bitten by flies and plagued by her family.Another says that her dad wipped her with a belt and she said she hopes her dads liver bursts.She is forced to stay up stairs to sew a dress for her church, but her mom doesn't like the sewing so she has to take out all the stiches and redo it.

Anonymous said...

catherines dad is trying to get catherine to marry a lack-wit
author:Karen Cushman
Title:Catherine Called Birdy
seeking a when he comes to visitshe makes herself look ugly.Caterines mom is making her take lady lessons to become a fine lady.Jewish people spent the night at Caterines house without her father knowing.Caterine wanted adventure so when the jewishpeople left she went wth them.Catherine didn't like her adventure so she went home and she was never caught.

Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Cushman
Title:Caterine Called Birdy
Catherine's family gathered a whole bunch of food for Caterines brother who is a monk.Catherines mother has just lost another baby.So while Caterines mother lies in bed sick Catherine goes out to play with the villagers.She was playing in the mud and she covered herself in it.Then a handsome man came into the village looking for Caterine.Not knowing that the girl covered in mud was caterine she told him a whole bunch of bad stuff about herself.The man ran away on his horse.Catherine had a dream she was captured by a dragon wich was her father and her uncle came to rescue her.

Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Cushman
Title:Catherine Called Birdy

Catherine's dad is trying to get her to marry a lack-wit seeking a when he comes to visit she makes herself look ugly.Caterine's mom is making her take lady lessons to become a fine lady.Jewish people spent the night at her house without her dad knowing.Catherine wanted adventure so when the jewish people left Catherine went with them.Catherine didn't like her adventure so she went home without getting caught.

Prediction:I think that Catherine's dad will find her a man to marry even though Catherine doesn't want to marry him.

Anonymous said...

I think Catherine will end up running away.

Anonymous said...

Prediction: If Catherines dad finds out that she chased of the handsome man then she will probably get wipped by her dad and have to do more sewing.

Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Cushman
title:Catherine Called Birdy
Caterine's uncle has come up to visit the family.A girl name Alies that Caterine met is falling in love with him and he is falling in love with her.Caterine had her birthday party and it was a big celebration.Catherine's brother also came up to visit but she doesn't know him that well because he's always gone working for the king.Catherine's brother came to visit because the kings wife had died.Before her brother came to visit she saw a public hanging and it was getting out of control so Catherine and her friend ran home.On there way running home they saw soldiers carrying a casket with a body in it.Catherine thought that the king had died so she came home to her mom crying her eyes out then her mom explained that the king didn't die but the Queen did.Morenna Caterines doctor is making Catherine stay in her chamber for doing nothing at all.So Catherine writes stories every time she is locked up.Morenna also made her do more sewing wich Catherine hates to death.Catherine thinks she's never going to get a life if she's stuck up stairs all day sewing.
Another rich man has come to marry Catherine but Catherine doesn't like him.She wants her father to be happy with money and never ending land so she lightens up a little but she never marries him.By the order of the king none of the jews are aloud in the country.After jumping in the mud Catherine can't take a bath because they have to use it for another table.Catherine's brother has had his birthday wich was also a huge celebration.
Prediction:I think that Catherine will grow up to be a writter and find the man of her dreams instead of her father bringing men over to meet her.

Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Kushman
Title:Catherine Called Birdy
Catherines dad brought a fat man marry her but Catherine doesn't want to because he's ugly.While she's in the privy(bathroom)she watched him arrive.He played chess with her father and her father won.He was going to the privy but Catherine was in there.She put some hay in the toilet and she set it on fire.He went into the bathroom and the fire made the door stick shut.He couldn't get out and he was caught on fire.She caught a spaken and was sent to her room and the fat man servived.Catherine's parents had a festival and two men got into a fight because they were drunk.Catherine's mom got pregnant but she hasn't lost the baby yet.Aelis and George can't get married because she was forced to get married to a seven year old.So He leaves to find someone else to marry.
Since Catherine has her fathers stuborness so she will find someone she wants to marry.I also believe that she will become a writter.

Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Cushman
Title:Catherine Called Birdy
Summary:The Qeen has come to Catherine's home.Catherine thought that she would be pretty and that she would go on an adventure with her.Catherine thought that she would like writting and dancing just like Catherine.They would sit in her mansion and dance all day.when the Queen arrived she was a hndred years old and she only had her two front teeth.She had a lisp and she wistled every time she said her s's.The always held an ugly dog in her lap.She would feed her dog little pieces of meet as she was eating.If the dog didn't like it after she bit it the Queen would put the meat back in the bowl and eat it.After dinner the Queen sat down and was eating spinach and got it stuck in her teeth.The Queen told her that she was like her youngest daughter.Catherine's brother got married and Catherine had to go and dancce with a really ugly guy.There was a dog who was getting on his nerves and he almost stabbed it.Catherine says when she gets married she want's to have a beautiful wedding.

Strategy:when I get married I want to have a beautiful wedding just like Catherine.

Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Cushman
Title:Catherine Called Birdy
Catherine's brother has left.She said she hopes he doesn't come back for Easter.Catherin's Uncle George has also left but she wants him to come back for Easter and he can't come until a cuople days after.Catherine's Uncle has married an old scrony person.The family's is now reading a holy book that her brother gave them.She says it bores her to death. There is a royal family coming to visit and there little girl is Catherin's age and she is as boreing as a dull pencil.Catherine says she less dull than the holy book.Catherine's dad is making Catherine marry the pig that she had to dance with at her brother's wedding.She can't marry him until Easter.When Easter came her mom said that she had to wait for the baby to get born.So she has to make a plan to not marry him.

Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Cushman
Title:Catherine Called Birdy
Strategy:Just like Catherine I don't want my dad to pick my husband for me.

Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Cushman
Title:Catherine Called Birdy
summary:Catherine doesn't want to marry the piggish man her dad picked out for her so she trying to figure out a way to not marry him.Catherine's dad went away but he says he will return before the baby is born.A day later Catherine's mom went into labor.She was in labor for two days and Catherine and Morenna(the nurse)stayed with her until the baby was born.Finally you could see the babies head and a lady baptised it's head so it wouldn't die.The baby came out as heathly as can be.Catherine's mom isn't felling well and is running a high fever.Her dad rushed in and stayed with her until she was better.Catherine runs away to her Uncles and asked her aunt to help her because she doesn't want to marry the pig.When she comes home she is lectured and slapped.The piggish man died so she has to marry his son she is happy.

Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Cushman
Title:Catherine Called Birdy
I'm glad that Catherine found someone that she wanted to marry.I knew she would.

Anonymous said...

The title of my book is Catherine Called Birdy. IT was written by Karen Cushman. The setting was around 1290, the time of the medieval English manor. The main characters name is Catherine or her nickname is Birdy.

The setting of the book is in England around 1290. It was a time of medieval manor. At this time the town was ruled by a king and queen. If you did something bad for example burglary you could get a punishment such as being hung or be beheaded. Before
You were punished you were humiliated in front of the town. That’s the setting of my story.

My character’s name is Catherine. She has brown hair and brown eyes. My character always wanted adventure. One time she traveled with the Jews without her parents finding out. Another time she didn’t want to marry a guy that her dad picked out for her so she ran away to her Uncle’s house to get advice. In my opinion I don’t think that the actions that Catherine did were realistic because she said she traveled two day to her Uncle’s house without any food or water.

In conclusion I didn’t like my book. The author wrote it so I got lost. The book was pretty much based on her father finding her a husband. So in all I didn’t like my book.