Thursday, February 15, 2007

Thomas M. Reading Load


Anonymous said...

Title: Stowaway
Author: Karen Hesse
Pages: xxi-1-9
Summary: Nick ran away from home, got on a ship as a stowaway called the Endeavour. he his hiding on the ship in the bow when a little kid finder him but he swears not to tell.
Strategy: I think the little kid will tell.

Anonymous said...

Author:Karen Hesse
Summary: nich is found!but the little kid did not tell but a nother ship mate. Mr. Weir got his foot stuck in effort to drop the anchor and was draged under nich tried to save him but it was to late he was dead
Strategy:nich will die also!

Anonymous said...

Author:Keren Hesse
Summary:They port at a american base to load supplies doc catches two sharkes ans some other fish. The mast breaks off in a ferece wind storm.
Strategy:I think doc will catch some more fish and the most will get fixed

Anonymous said...

Title: Stowaway
Author: Karen Hesse
Summary: the mast got fixed letting them get back under sail they think they find land but it was not just false hope doc catches more fish to study
Straged:i have been fishing many times to

Anonymous said...

Author: Karen Heese
Summary: they find a island and it is good news they went in search of food and and found some to help the pleag
Strategy: i think it should not help the pleag

Anonymous said...

Title: Stowaway
Author: Karen Hesse
Summary:Mr green took his life after getting punished for stealing the find land filled with naked people but yummy food
Strategy:I like yummy food too

Anonymous said...

Stowaway by Heese Keren This story take place in the Atlantic Ocean The main character is nick. Who is a stowaway on a ship called the H.M.S. Envader. The time period was rough in the 1768’s!
During this time in the 1768’s the world was not that civilized. People ran around without clothes like wild turkeys. The boats were built like toothpicks and the waters were like little hurricanes
The main character nick works on the ship as a servant because he was found as a stowaway. Nicks dad does like him so he make him work with some one who beats him like he is a punching bag. So he ran away and became a stowaway and best friend with a stinky goat.
Two actions he took were getting onto the ship as a stowaway. Also he refused to eat all his food as the captain so he got beat 7 times for his action
My opinion on this book was o.k. because it didn’t have a good plot and she exaggerated by making waves to hurricanes.